
關注:14發表時間:2017-09-07 17:18:39

主題特點是暗黑和顛覆的魅力。聚焦在裁剪和廓形風格鮮明的套裝和大衣,結合青年文化元素,創造出一種暗黑摩登的風格。奢華與優雅且反叛的朋克態度令人興奮的混合,為能夠巧妙打破傳統的時髦提供了靈感 。這個主題闡述了處於現代風格和鄉村風格之間的經典基礎元素。靈感來源於大學體育,俱樂部,童子軍制服和常青籐盟校風格。混合創造出一種極具運動力量的半現代半傳統的著裝造型。

The theme is characterized by dark and subversive charm. Focused on cutting and silhouette, the distinctive style of suits and coats, combined with young cultural elements, creates a dark, modern style. The heady mixture of luxury and elegance and rebellious punk attitudes provides an inspiration for the clever break of traditional fashion. This theme deals with the classic basic elements between modern style and country style. Inspired by college sports, clubs, boy scouts, uniforms and Ivy League style. Mixing creates a semi modern and semi formal dress style with great athletic strength.

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